Champagne Chouette de Champillon
The winner of the Champagne tasting of Finland’s major newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, and Alko’s best selling Champagne
We at Viinitie have made a wine with the Autréau Champagne family where we have bottled all the best bits – grapes from Prémier and Grand Cru vineyards and long bottle ageing. Three generations of Autréaus work at the winery today, probably even now toiling away while you’re reading this text. The wines of Champagne Chouette respect the environment and Autréau has voluntary emissions reduction certificates (VERs) for sustainable vine growing and environmentally responsible production. Champagnes like Chouette at this QPR are incredibly difficult to find so we decided to make one ourselves.
P.S. Champagne Chouette became Alko’s most sold Champagne immediately on becoming available at the end of 2016. Helsingin Sanomat’s Champagne judges also like it: our wine received a full five out of five points and was chosen as Alko’s best Champagne under 30€